Sunday, September 11, 2011

Take notes people.

 How to Procrastinate Like a Pro
by: Kate

The things that I've done instead of writing my persuasive essay for English 101:
  • Play solitaire nonstop. I currently have it minimized on my toolbar. I've played about 15 different times.
  • Facebook creep all of my friends that went to college this year.
  • Tumblr. The greatest time waster ever.
  • Tweet about how my persuasive essay looks a lot like solitaire.
  • Watch the TV show A Haunting. [Word to the wise: if you're looking at a huge house, that's really nice but the price is cheap. It's probably haunted. Or located in the hood.]
  • Go eat Mexican food. I think this one's okay, though, because food is a basic necessity of life.
  • Lounge on the couch whilst watching Final Destination 2 whilst playing with the dogs. [This is hard to do in a reclining position but I've somehow managed it.]
  • Browse YouTube.
  • Google images of George W. Bush.
  • And now, blog.
I like to think of myself as the master of procrastination. I have, however, researched some sources for my essay. And I did get my senior pictures taken today. Now I'm going to goof around a bit more until The Real Housewives of New Jersey starts at 9. 


  1. OMG, I honestly thought I was the only one on the planet who watched A Haunting! :O It gives me very sound advice on house-buying :P

  2. Procrastinating was definitely one of the major things I learned from college.
