Unfortunately, I haven't yet had time to work on figuring out how to upload my pictures. But! I have been given an award!
1. Thank the person who gave you the award:
Thank you Kathy! It really is an honor to receive this from you. You guys should seriously go check out her blog if you haven't already. Especially if you're a Harry Potter fan.
2. Reveal three random facts about yourself:
- I can never just walk up or down stairs, I always have to run. It started out because I always felt like someone was trying to chase me. But now that I've seen a bunch of horror movies I have this random fear of getting my Achilles tendon slashed. Freaky, I know. But it's always in the back of my mind.
- I'm always making bets with myself. For example, when I'm driving through an intersection I'll think something like, if I make it before the light turns yellow or red I'm going to have a good day.
- I love to drive. I don't know what it is, but there's something really therapeutic about it. I would seriously drive across the country if I could. My friends all know this about me so I'm usually the one driving when we got out to do stuff together.
- DB from Free to Dance
- Lex from the lexical gap
- M.K. Murray from Imagine Me Complexly
- Victoria from Victoria's World
- Allyson from allyson kate