Happy Easter!
I really don't know how I'm still awake. I went to bed at 1 a.m. last night and got up at 6:30 a.m. Mass was at 8:30 but my dad was convinced we had to get there at least a half hour early. We did the usual church, Easter baskets, lunch at my mom's family's, and then dinner at my dad's family's. Going to my grandpa Jerry's house is still weird to me. It just feels so weird to go there and not have Gramma W there. I keep expecting her to come shuffling in offering sandwiches and pop. But I know she's there in spirit. And it's important to not let Grandpa feel lonely and sad all the time. All in all a good Easter, I got Just Dance 2 for my Wii! I'm sensing a dance party in the near future... And I got some adorable pastel pink Sperry Topsiders. They are so adorable, I love Sperrys.Not to mention I had Mt Dew for the first time in 6 weeks. I'm extremely content right now.
Little side note, my best friend's last name is Easter! Actually, I'm an Easter, too. It's my mom's mom's maiden name. So me and Jordin are not only best friends, but 2nd cousins. Hope you had a happy Easter!
Happy Easter!